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Goodie 35mm 一次性相機 - 日本版


Goodie 一次性底片相機「日本」是根據日本最令人印象深刻和最具標誌性的自然景觀之一——櫻花季節而設計的。櫻花盛開,以粉紅色的光彩照亮了日本的自然(富士山)和遺產(鳥居)。毫無疑問,這個夢幻般的場景讓遊客和當地人驚嘆不已,並真正成為他們最喜歡的自然體驗。 Goodie 即開即拍菲林相機的「日本」,設計靈感源自日本最令人印象深刻和標誌性的自然風光 - 櫻花季。明亮、絢麗的紅粉映入眼簾,不覺這夢幻般的景象讓遊客和當地人嘆為觀止,真正成為他們最喜歡的自然體驗! 規格 免洗相機 35毫米格式 膠卷速度範圍 - ISO 400 36+3次曝光 彩色膠片 內建閃光燈 鏡頭光圈 - f/10 自由對焦




The Goodie disposable film camera "Japan" is designed based on one of Japan's most impressive and iconic natural features - the cherry blossom season. The cherry blossoms are in bloom, lighting up Japan's nature (Mount Fuji) and heritage (torii gates) with their pink glory. There is no doubt that this dreamlike scene wows tourists and locals alike and has truly become their favorite natural experience.
The design of Goodie's instant film cameras is inspired by Japan's most impressive and iconic natural scenery - the cherry blossom season. Bright, gorgeous pinks come into view, and before you know it, this dreamlike scene has left tourists and locals in awe, and it has truly become their favorite natural experience!

