Enjoy shipping discounts on any purchase of HKD 500.00 or above! (for Local Delivery, Local Pickup)


All customers with Spending of HKD 500.00 or above, can enjoy shipping discounts for Local Delivery, Local Pickup. Discount amount will be calculated at checkout, valid through 27/11/2025.

Wonder 跨軟體語音直接轉寫翻譯機 | 一鍵語音即時翻譯 | 銀色

HKD 638.00




《Wonder 首個跨軟體 語音直接轉寫翻譯機》具備一鍵語音即時翻譯,精準的語音輸入系統,能夠辨識標點符號甚至是急口令,達到比起打字輸入快上5倍的高效率 獨家支援所有第三方APP,對著手機講,不需要複製貼上,譯文文字直接出現在 WhatsApp、Messenger 等的對話框收錄109種語言、地區口音,僅14.8g,一款輕便又快速的翻譯機帶你暢遊全世界!

Payment, delivery and return


Delivery Methods

  • SF Express
  • SF Express Self Pickup
  • In-Store Pickup

Payment Methods

  • WeChat Pay
  • PayMe
  • Credit Card
  • UnionPay
  • Bank Transfer
  • FPS 轉數快

Return & Refund Policy

7日內有壞包換購物保障 (不包括人為損壞並須要保留完整包裝) Customers may request an exchange for any damaged product within 7 days of purchase. Please note that this policy excludes damages caused by human error. To be eligible for an exchange, the product must be returned in its original packaging, which must be intact and complete. 所有保固申請必須向相關供應商提出。 All warranty claims must be submitted directly to the respective supplier. 所有供應商信息可在產品保固標籤或保固卡上找到 Detailed information regarding suppliers can be found on the product warranty label or warranty card included with your purchase. 圖片中的顏色僅供參考,最終產品顏色以實物為準。產品如果出現色差或色花或染色不均的情況,這屬於正常現象,並不構成退換貨的理由。 The colors displayed in the images are for reference only; the actual product colors may vary. If the product exhibits color discrepancies, color variations, or uneven dyeing, this is considered a normal occurrence and does not constitute a valid reason for returns or exchanges. 薄脆型產品,如餅乾,可能在運送過程中會有破損或碎裂。購買時請理解並接受此情況。在上述情況下,我們將不接受退款請求。 Products that are thin and crispy, such as cookies, may experience breakage or crumbling during shipping. By purchasing, you acknowledge and accept this possibility. Refund requests will not be accepted under the above conditions. 本店提供七天品質保證服務。如產品存在品質差異問題(不包括外觀問題),可在7天內預約到本店進行更換。請注意,產品必須保持完整包裝,無任何損壞或刮痕,且保用證不得填寫。更換僅限於相同型號的產品,每個產品僅可更換一次。 Our store offers a 7-day quality guarantee on all products. If there is a quality issue (excluding appearance-related issues), you may schedule a replacement within 7 days. Please note that the product must be in its original packaging, free from any damage or scratches, and the warranty card must not be filled out. Only products of the same model can be exchanged, and each product can only be exchanged once. 所有退貨必須符合上述條款。已拆封的產品需收取18%拆封費,按每件退貨計算;未拆封的產品則需收取原價8%的行政費用,亦按每件退貨計算。 All returns must comply with the above terms. For opened products, an 18% unsealing fee will be charged for each returned item. Additionally, an 8% administrative fee will be applied to unopened products based on their original price, calculated for each returned item. 如需補發單據(逾兩個月以上),需收取$50作為行政費用。 For requests for replacement documents (older than two months), a $50 administrative fee will be charged. 如有任何爭議,本店保留最終決定權。 In case of any disputes, the store reserves the right to make the final decision.

Product Details





Q:《 Wonder 首個跨軟體 語音直接轉寫翻譯機 》與一般的翻譯 APP 有什麼不同?
❶ 正常語速語音輸入,辯讀精準並無需唸出標點符號
❷ 一鍵即可在不同 APP 間即時翻譯,自由切換無需複製貼上
❸ 翻譯精準、支援廣東話

全球各國用詞各有差異,旺德會持續收集用戶聲音,並透過「 旺德說 Wonder Talkie 」APP 定期更新。

A:當然可以!《 Wonder 首個跨軟體 語音直接轉寫翻譯機 》支援即時雙向翻譯,並且有自動播報語音功能,也能透過播報學習精準發音。

Q:Andriod 系統、裝手機殼也能用嗎?可以重複黏貼嗎?
A:支援 IOS、Andriod 雙系統,依據使用習慣貼在手機殼或是手機上,且能同時作為手機支架使用,直式、橫式自由旋轉超方便!

A:超過 100 種語言,60 種地區方言。


-藍牙連線狀態,待機時間可達 7 天
-每日若使用時數累計約 1 小時,續航可達 5 天以上

Q:可以離線使用嗎?需要連 Wi-Fi 嗎?



保養期 : 12 個月
提供保養之公司 : Wonder 香港

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