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iBasso - 高性能數位音訊播放器 DX120



高品質音訊播放:DX120 支援多種音訊格式,包括流失壓縮和無損音訊格式。這意味著您可以享受到音樂的最高音質,無論是聆聽 FLAC、WAV、DSD 還是其他格式的音樂,都能獲得卓越的音樂體驗。 雙 DAC 技術:這款播放器配備了雙數位模擬轉換器(DAC),這是它卓越音質的關鍵之一。雙 DAC 技術可以降低失真,提供更細緻、更準確的音樂表現,使您感受到音樂中更多的細節和音符。 觸摸屏顯示:DX120 配備了一個直觀的觸摸屏,使操作和音樂導航變得更加簡單和方便。您可以輕鬆地瀏覽音樂庫、調整設置,並掌握播放控制。 擴展儲存:儘管內部存儲空間足夠大,但DX120 也支援 microSD 卡的擴展,這意味著您可以攜帶大量的音樂,無需擔心儲存不足的問題。 平衡和單端輸出:DX120 提供平衡和單端耳機輸出選項,這意味著您可以根據自己的耳機選擇和音樂喜好來獲得最佳的音樂聆聽體驗。





High-Quality Audio Playback: The DX120 supports a wide range of audio formats, including lossless formats like FLAC, WAV, and DSD. It is designed to provide a high-fidelity audio experience with excellent sound clarity and detail.

Dual Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs): The player is equipped with dual DACs, which contribute to improved audio performance and reduced distortion, resulting in a more accurate representation of the music.

Touchscreen Display: The device features a touchscreen display for intuitive navigation and control of your music library and settings.

Expandable Storage: The DX120 typically comes with ample internal storage, and it also supports expandable storage via microSD cards, allowing you to carry a large music library with you.

Balanced and Single-Ended Outputs: It offers both balanced and single-ended headphone outputs, catering to different headphone types and preferences.

Android-Based Operating System: The device may run on an Android-based operating system, providing access to music streaming apps, internet radio, and more.

Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth: Some models of the DX120 may include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, enabling wireless audio streaming and firmware updates.

Build Quality: iBasso is known for its sturdy build quality and attention to detail, ensuring the device is durable and well-crafted.

